Mikes Mazes


Jo Edkins Maze Page
Jo has lots of information on unicursal mazes with good graphics explaining the five different patterns of unicursal maze.

Maze World
Web Site for finding Mazes.

Maze Maize
Have a challenging summer in British Maize Mazes. Find them near where you live or are going on holiday.

The journal of mazes and labyrinths

Think Labyrinth!
This site is dedicated to Mazes, and features an interactive Maze program, information on the movie Labyrinth, a gallery of computer Mazes, pictures of life size Mazes, and more.

Cornfield Maize Mazes
A site listing many of the maize mazes in the UK, Europe and the USA. Includes pictures of many maize mazes.

Soekershof Walkabout
This site describes the Klaas Voogds Maze and other mazes at Klaas Voogds West, Robertson, West Cape, South Africa. There are several mazes there including a Cactus Labyrinth.

THE source of data on calendars. My other web site which looks at how man has kept track of the days and seasons down the centuries and across the world.